Premature aging is a frightening thing for everyone, especially women. Because of premature aging is the process of skin aging faster than necessary. This is usually caused by various factors both internal and external.
The internal factors such as illness and lack of nutrient. While, the external factors such as sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoke, junk foods, free radical, etc.
Currently, anti aging products sold on the market very early because of the many women who want to look younger. One of the anti aging is OXIS’s product. OXIS is developing and plans to sell Nutraceutical and Cosmecuetical products featuring natural ingredients believed to have beneficial effects on human health. OXIS focus on naturally occurring protective substances since they are more likely to be both safe and efficacious. Our primary products incorporate and emphasize the multifaceted “super antioxidant” compound, L-¬Ergothioneine (“ERGO”), as a key component.
As we know that our body constantly reacts with oxygen as we breathe and our cells produce energy. As a consequence of this activity, highly reactive molecules are produced known as free radicals. Free radicals interact with other molecules within cells. This can cause oxidative damage to proteins, membranes and genes. Oxidative damage has been implicated in the cause of many diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's and has an impact on the body's aging process. External factors such as pollution, sunlight and smoking also trigger the production of free radicals.
Our body's internal production of antioxidants is not enough to neutralize all the free radicals. We can help our body to defend itself by increasing our dietary intake of antioxidants.
If you need for an anti aging, antioxidant, glutathione, penny stocks & Free radical which all of these are available on Oxis’s company (, you can also visit Oxis on Twitter and Oxis on facebook for more information.
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