Thursday, August 27, 2009

Memantau Pengunjung Blog dengan Stat Counter

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, ada seorang teman menanyakan, bagaimana mengetahui jumlah pengunjung blog kita. Melalui tulisan ini, saya perkenalkan Stat Counter yang tidak hanya menghitung jumlah pengunjung blog, tetapi banyak sekali fasilitas yang diberikan, dan semuanya gratis.
Pertama-tama kita mendaftar dulu di Stat Counter.

1. buka

Kemudian klik "Register Now"
2. Isilah data-data yang diperlukan

Kemudian berikan centang pada "I accept the term and conditions" kemudian klik "Register My Account"

Klik "Proceed&Add a Project"

4. Anda akan di bawa ke halaman berikutnya, isilah data-data yang diperlukan, jangan lupa berikan tanda centang pada "Allow anyone to view your stat"

Add New Standard StatCounter Project

Please fill in the following details about your website, then click the 'Next' button at the bottom of this page.

Website Title
Website URL
Timezone based on 'My Profile' settings
Maximum Visit Length
Used to calculate your unique and returning visitors from a cookie. If this amount of time or more has elapsed since a visitor last visited a page on your website, then that visitor is considered unique. We recommend setting it between 1 and 6 hours. We don't recommend setting it to 24 hours and above.

Log Size
Resources are limited, so we can only keep a detailed log of your most recent visitors. Unless you upgrade your account the maximum log size you can have is 500.

IP Blocking
You can specify your IP Address or a range such as 212.14.23.* or even 212.*.*.* to be blocked. This prevents you or someone from your organisation inflating your count. Put each IP address on a new line with no spaces if you want it blocked. Or empty the box if you want to count all visits.

Public Stats
Allow anyone to view your stats.

Kemudian klik "next".

Klik "Configure & Install Code"

6. What kind of StatCounter Code do you need?

We provide a host of options for the code you use to track your stats. If you choose a visible counter you can cutomise the size, font, color, background color and many other options so that the counter blends seamlessly with your sites design.

Visible Counter
This code will place a small, customisable number on your pages indicating to you and your visitors how many people have visited each page. The counter's appearance can be adjusted using further options in this wizard.
Example: Visible Counter Example!
Invisible Counter
The code generated by this option will make the counter invisible, and no indication to your visitors as to how popular a particular page is.
Visible Counter On Homepage Only
This option will generate two pieces of code - one for your homepage that will display the counter there, and one for your other pages which will make it invisible.
Button Only
This option will generate code that simply displays a StatCounter button - a great way to support the site!
Example: Button Example!

Klik "next"

Klik "Next"

klik "Next"

9. Pilih sesuai dengan warna dan ukuran huruf yang anda inginkan
Number of digits
This setting specifies the minimum number of digits allowed in the counter of your pages.
Digit Color
Here you can set the font color of your counter. You can click on a colour on the right, or enter a hexadecimal HTML code. Your changes can be checked in the preview at the bottom of this page.

Color: #

Background Color
Here you can set the background color of your counter. You can click on a colour on the right, or enter a hexadecimal HTML code. Your changes can be checked in the preview at the bottom of this page.

Color: #

Font Setting
Opposite are examples of the display sizes and fonts that are available. Please chooose one. Regardless of the colours shown, the custom colours you have specified above will take effect in the preview below.

Small Font Small Font

Medium Font Medium Font

Bold Font Bold Font

Large Font Large Font

Stylish Font Stylish Font

Add a 'View My Stats' Link?
Select this option to add a 'View My Stats' link, which will allow anyone to view your site's stats. This will make your project public. You can also customise the text of the link.Add the Link?

Custom Link Text:
View Your Counter
Here you can view changes you've made to the counter's appearance before proceeding. Click the 'Update' button to update your settings and view the counter.example counter

Kemudian klik "Next"

Pilih platform blog anda, misalnya blogspot/blogger
Please choose your Blog/Web Page Editor Install Guide
Please choose the Blog/Web Page Editor you use. If yours is not listed please choose the Default Install Guide. We welcome new guides as well! Please send them to support.
OPTIONAL - HTML Only Counter
It is not recommended to choose this option as it will not be possible to record the referring link, page title and other information. Only choose this if you web host does not allow you to insert javascript into your webpage. We recommend you move to a web host that will give you proper access to your website.
Only choose this option if your website must be XHTML compliant.

Kemudian klik next.

11. Anda akan mendapatkan kode HTMLnya.

Tinggal masukkan kode tersebut di elemen blog anda.

Semoga bermanfaat